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Counseling center successfully held "Workplace interpersonal relations and communication" psychological theme lecture
2021-06-18 14:39  

Having a good and harmonious interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to career success.In order to help our graduates accelerate the role transformation of students into professionals, enhance the cognition of workplace life, and improve the ability to communicate with peopleTo establish a good career interpersonal relationship in the future to lay a certain foundation, mental health education and counseling service center teacher Lina Zhou YuJune 17, 18:00, at the Student Activity Center 401For senior graduates, the psychological theme of "Workplace interpersonal relations and communication" was carried out。

Teacher Zhou started by explaining the characteristics and survival rules of the real workplace, so that everyone quickly realized that the future workplace is different from the current university life, so as to enhance their attention and attention。Then she told the students about the importance of interpersonal relationships and communication in the workplace, and the principles to follow in establishing valuable interpersonal relationships, so that the students once again strengthened their understanding of the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships in the workplace and learning to communicate。Ms. Zhou then explained in detail the principles, key points and forbidden areas of communication and communication with superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Here she used a lot of work examples and role playing methods.The use of case teaching helps加深Students on knowledgeUnderstand and thinkRole-playing meansMiss Zhou设定A professionScene, let the students actAmong the occupationsThe role, through post-simulation guidance,classmatesUnderstand your own problems in time and correct them。Simulations like this not only encourage people to followThe transformation of students into professionals has effectively improved students' ability to maintain interpersonal relationships and communication skills.Also rich in teachinginterestingness生动It was warmly welcomed and responded by the students。

To help graduates deal with anxiety,Accelerate role transformationAnd social adaptability to spend the last days of college in a fulfilling and meaningful way,The Psychological counseling Center of our school has carried out a series of activities such as slow passing of time and lectures on graduates' knowledge, which have been widely accepted and praised by graduates。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012